journey lines


journey lines 〰️



As part of the bike community, we want to experiment using the medium of a zine to foster dialogue, reflection, and connection through creativity. The intention is to build from existing biking justice spaces in Toronto leveraging the power of generative arts and cultural production.

Through the lens of biking, we hope to trace the lesser-known journey lines of our city. This doesn’t necessarily mean you have to love bikes or identify as a spandex-wearing cyclist (no shade to the spandex). You could share why you don’t have access to a bike, never learned to ride one, or don’t feel safe on the road. Diverse stories are important to make us feel less alone. 🌸



Contribute short essays, photography, song lyrics, poetry, collages or any other form of creative expression! Check out the Journey Lines Playground: our version of a guide to encourage creativity and exploration within the structures, values, and themes of the zine.

We’re currently prioritizing racialized women, non-binary, trans, femme and queer folks with experiences and perspectives shaped by their racialized identities.

$150 honorariums will be offered for each contribution. 🫶



1. Tell us about you and your idea by submitting this Form.

2. Editors will connect to explore the values alignment and see if we’re it’s a good fit on both sides.

3. If we mutually agree, create, collaborate, and finalize contribution by mid June (edited).

4. Receive honorarium, and get copy of the zine once printed!